Establish Year
Passed Out
Established in year 1989, Shri Sharda Inter College is located in Rural area of Uttar Pradesh state/ut of India. In –Lalpur Prahlada area of Bishunapur block of Bishunapur District. Area pincode is 271835.
School is providing Higher Secondary level education and is being managed by Private aided Organisation.
Medium of instruction is Hindi language and School is Co-educational.
Currently schools is being guided by principal/head teacher Mr.Ramanand Maurya
School is affiliated with State Board for High Secondary level.
We are inviting applications for the session 2024-25, get registered now!
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What does happy parents says
The school environment enables children to live free & passionate lives and being a digital school, it ignites a flame of positive future; a future that holds million aspirations, astounding energies and marvelous hopes for young brains.
Director's Desk
Medium of instruction is Hindi language and School is Co-educational. Currently schools is being guided by principal/head teacher Mr.Ramanand Maurya
From Principal's DeskMedium of instruction is Hindi language and School is Co-educationalCurrently schools is being guided by principal/head teacher Mr.Gyanjeet Verma Manager Gyanjeet Verma Manager
From Manager Desk